Digital Heritage 25

Sept. 8, 2025 – Sept. 13, 2025
Sienna, Italy

Digital Heritage is a premier international event that unites multiple heritage domains and conferences under one platform.

As the leading global event on digital technology for documenting, conserving, and sharing heritage—from landscapes and monuments to museums, collections, and intangible traditions—the Digital Heritage International Congress offers a unified stage for major world conferences, workshops, and exhibitions. The event features keynotes from cultural leaders and digital pioneers, tech expos, research demos, scientific papers, policy panels, best practice case studies, and hands-on workshops.

Covering fields such as computer science, cultural preservation, archaeology, art, and more, it brings together professionals from across domains.

Key federated events included:

  • International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM)
  • Eurographics Symposium on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
  • UNESCO’s Memory of the World
  • ArcheoVirtual Exhibition on Virtual Archaeology and Museums
  • Digital Art Week (DAW)
  • Int’l Meeting on Archaeology, Graphic Informatics, Heritage & Innovation (ARQUEOLOGICA 2.0)

Special sessions also included contributions from CAA, CIPA Heritage Documentation, Space2Place, and the ICOMOS Digital Interpretation Panel, among others. Furthermore, the congress provided a platform for major European heritage projects to organize workshops, tutorials, and meetings.

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