A progress summary from ARIADNEplus SC meeting

30 Sep 2021

The latest ARIADNEplus Steering Committee meeting was held by Zoom on Tuesday 14th September with over 50 participants followed by the project’s General Assembly.

The meeting illustrated ARIADNEplus’ key findings and its growing influence: eight new Associate Partners joined the project in the last six months, extending the geographical coverage to include Turkey, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Macedonia.

The topics of the meeting varied from networking activities and aggregation services, to knowledge management aspects and FAIR data management and policies. CARARE presented a video for Heritage Managers which can be translated into ARIADNEplus partners’ languages for wider, more personalised dissemination. Research activities and exciting new developments for the Portal were also presented as well as progress on Pilots covering Airborne-LIDAR data use and reuse, recreation of Historic Environments from spatial data, the sharing of 3D data and many more. Read more